Personal chef

Common reasons to hire a personal chef include to save time (no shopping, cooking or cleaning), to enjoy a variety of healthy meals and maybe even to save money by avoiding frequent take-out ordering.  But with my medical/nutritional background I can also assist those who need a diet because of a specific medical condition. 

Examples of special diets include:
• Diabetic diets are the most commonly sought after diet. Menus can be planned with carbohydrate counting or using the glycemic index/glycemic load.  
• People with gastrointestinal illness also commonly have a need for a special diet. Meals can be tailored to those that have gluten sensitivity, gastroesophageal reflux, or irritable bowel syndrome.
• Individuals with cardiac or renal disease also often need a special diet. I can prepare low salt meals (DASH diet) for those with high blood pressure, heart failure or kidney disease.
• People being treated for cancer or with HIV often have significant weight loss. Menus can be prepared that promote weight gain, bolster the immune system and provide a flavor profile that suits the individuals needs.
• Menus can also be prepared for specific lifestyles/life events including vegan/vegetarian, athletes, and for the geriatric population.
• I am not a fan of fad diets. I do not have special meal plans for the Atkins, South Beach. Paleo, etc. diets. I do think that eating healthy is very important and weight loss is a goal for many people.  I consider the Mediterranean diet the ideal meal planning guide and can prepare menus that follow the rules of this diet.
